Wire Like The Pros!
Master the techniques necessary to get outstanding results in wiring on a film set!
Recording Dialogue In Cars
The Essential Course For Production Sound Professionals!
It’s just a little bit of atmos right?
3 Steps to Successful Playback
A three step plan for any music playback scenario!
Capturing the tracks for
Sounds Of The Road
Dante & Stage Box Workflows
Getting Into The Mix
Best of
Hiding Wireless Mic’s and Transmitters.
“The moment Teddy Perkins stepped on set I knew we had to capture every moment perfectly” FX Atlanta
Donald Glover never broke character, not once not even for a moment. And all I could think was we had to capture every moment perfectly. Emmy award winning sound design combined with a masterful performance.
A small town location and legendary story comes to life. Nancy Drew And The Hidden Staircase.
Director Katt Shea from Nancy Drew & The Hidden Staircase wanted to capture every word. We did exactly that.
The music and production design was perfect and we wanted to capture every moment faithfully as it was in the 1970’s.
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